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Current & Upcoming Trade Shows and Trade Events by Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association Ltd (MCMIA)



    Name: Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association Ltd (MCMIA)
    Address: Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 5301
    Tel: +852-2492 2713
    Fax: +852-2906 9330
    Official Website:  Click to Visit

    MCMIA or Modernized Chinese Medicine International  Association Ltd is a new organization founded by a group of Hong  Kong business professionals and scientists to foster and promote  the modernization and the internationalization of Chinese  medicine (CM). Reflecting the diversity of the professions that  partake in Chinese medicine, MCMIA is a multi-industrial and  multi-disciplinary organization as well.

    Through its website and other activities such as conferences,  seminars, exhibitions, training courses, regular meetings and field  trips, MCMIA disseminates the latest innovative thinking,  theories, discoveries, achievements and commercial opportunities  in CM to its global membership. MCMIA also contributes to the  research, education and worldwide promotion of CM. Hence,  MCMIA helps advance the science and technology of CM as well  as enhancing business activities relating to CM.
    MCMIA also helps facilitate communication and cooperation  among industry, the scientific community and the government.  Furthermore, MCMIA supports Hong Kong government's plan to  establish Hong Kong as an international center for Chinese  medicine and will compile and forward its members' views and  opinions on this issue to the authority.

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