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    Name: Shenzhen U-Link Media Co., Ltd.
    Address: Room 706,Shanghai Auto Building,Nan hai Road 4050,High-tech Park,Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
    Tel: +86-755-8622 7155
    Fax: +86-755-8622 7110

    About U-Link Media

    U-Link Media is a leading comprehensive media for RFID industry in China.
    We believe RFID technology would revolutionize the way companies around the world do business; we will ultimately live in the world of internet of things. With this belief, we commit to provide the industry a comprehensive platform for knowledge sharing and communication, as well as promoting RFID products and solutions. We also enable companies in other industries to easily understand how RFID can boost their business, help them align technology with business objectives.

    U-Link Media is originated by the launch of RFID World China (, which now become the most authoritative and popular RFID website in China, having a great impact on China's RFID development. Our mission is to build an international RFID media network to speeding up the widespread of RFID adoptions and consumer RFID education 

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