Reha+Aid China 2011 (RAC2011)
The fact of the disabled and the aged in China
China is a developing country. Its progress in the disabled and the aged (D&A) area lag that of social and economic development. It needs the common endeavor of the whole society to reach the objective of well-off for the D&A. In the great process of building a socialist harmonious society, development in D&A area are bound to be achieved in a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained way. We have every reason to believe that the status of the D&A will be further improved and their political, economic and cultural rights ensured.
The organizers of RAC the D&A industry is proud to present Reha+Aid China 2011 - China’s first major event for the international D&A community. RAC committee will feature a world-class seminar program of inviting exhibitors and visitors . RAC2011 will carry on the spirit of helping disadvantage groups and the motif of never give up. We believe that RAC2011 will become a festival for the elderly and disabled in China. It will bring benefit for more and more elderly people, disabled people and their relatives and accelerate the development of China rehabilitation industry.
About REHA+AID CHINA 2011 (RAC2011)
The fact that the world leading trade show RAC2011 will take place the first time in Guangzhou on Dec. 12-14, 2011.We dedicate to build the world-leading trade fair. Roughly 250 international companies, will display their products and services at the RAC2011 trade fair from 12th to 14th Dec. 2011. Amongst them are numerous exhibitors from China and abroad. Rehabilitation engineers, prosthetists, orthotists, shoemakers, biomechanical, specialist wholesalers and retailers, engineers, doctors and physiotherapists from across the world meet in RAC2011 to learn about the latest product innovations and trendsetting technology. Dec. 12th-14th 2011 will become busy days for you and your friends. Meet old friends, and make new ones from all corners of the world. Over 25 countries were represented in one of the most diverse events the disabled and the aged have ever experienced. Learn new languages, understand new cultures, and develop new traditions, all under one roof! Make your plans and come be a part of the RAC2011.
Reha+Aid China 2011 help you tap into market in China
Currently, there are 83 million disabled and 170 million aged in China. By estimating , 36 million disabled need rehabilitation , and half of the 170 million aging people have the need of rehabilitation . We RAC2011 committee will work at full capacity to invite all the numbers of Prosthetics and Orthotics Association in China, Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons association, the aged associations in China , rehabilitation hospitals , rehabilitation for the elderly,facilities for rehabilitation and aid center, rehabilitation and Aid products-suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers , dealers to attend RAC2011 at home and abroad. RAC2011 is dedicated in providing cooperative opportunities for exhibitors, visitors to make multi-win development.
Reha+Aid China 2011 help you find suppliers in China
China is a largest manufacturers base of Rehabilitation and Aid, the well-known brand include TehLin, Apple, Maxhealth ,DYNA, APEXCARE, Regal, DeAo ,FONDLIGHT, CONWELL ,APEX, Calow ,JOYEAR, NewSound, SIEMENS, HEARING AIDS, HEARKING ,ECP PSK , FAK etc. If your company is planning its entry strategy into China, or is simply aiming to increase its share of this multi-billion dollar market, RAC2011 could prove to be an essential part of your strategy to raise your share-of-voice at the 2011 event .Many diverse exhibits from all over the world will display a wide variety of products and services.
We are proud to partner with many sponsors and exhibitors for the chance to spread the word about new ideas, products, and organizations to the disabled and the aged people of the world. Work with us to make your exhibition memorable and successful!
WHY RAC 2011 (Preview)
1、For the first major event, we are proud to announce that it is free of charge to attend RAC2011 both for exhibitors and visitors (Note: limit one Standard Shell Scheme booth to each exhibitor)
2、More than 250 exhibitors from all over the world will be presenting their latest products and services, research findings and studies - here you will be able to get direct experience of numerous world and European firsts, as well as keeping up with all the current developments in the sector. Visitors from over 30 countries and exhibitors from more than 25 different nations meet up every year in Guangzhou , the City of Trade Fairs
3、RAC2011 is not only the first state-level exhibition of goods, devices and equipments for the disabled and elderly in South China, but also an excellent platform for the rehabilitation industry on the purpose of welfare propaganda, product showing, government sourcing, trading negotiation, technical interaction and public experience.
4、Manufacturers‘ latest developments, therapy options and tips for sales and marketing, business organization and IT will be among the main issues to be addressed.
5、You will experience an action-packed week of exhibitions and networking for one of the most memorable events you’ll ever attend. Admission is free, and the experience is priceless.
6、Industry Characteristic in Guangzhou: Guangzhou, situated in southern of China, has a strong industrial base and a large number of small medium and large enterprises, is the world’s most competitive manufacturing base. This industry characteristic in this area is also a highlight of RAC2011 which makes it easier to get our attendees.
Exhibition Highlights
Equipment for Rehabilitation and Aid Treatment: facility and instrument for the disabled of hearing, visual, intellect, body ,breathing aids ,treatment and measuring instruments, pressure sore prevention ,puzzle ,fitness equipment, etc
Prostheses and Orthoses: shaft technology; socket and custom-fitted components; control technology and sensors; cosmetic components, support bandages; splints; bodices; corsets; seat orthoses; 3D measuring equipment, orthopaedic footwear technology, Neck and Chest Brace,Elbow Brace,Air-permeable Lumbar Elastic Corset,Pediatric Bilateral Slider Hip Outreach brace,Hinged Hip Abduction Orthosis,Adjustable Jacket Brace Special Instruments for Mobility: wheelchairs; vehicles; crutches; walking and support sticks; scooters; transfer lifts; walking aids, etc Appliance for Rehabilitation and Nursing: medical and healthcare instruments for Rehabilitation, nursing and training; exercise devices; health-keeping medicine, etc
Special Sanitary Equipment: bathing and toileting accessories incontinence aid and assist for the disable and elderly Special Bedroom Accessories: aided beds and seating accessories; special dining instruments, etc Barrier-free Facilities: household sets (kitchen, bathing, bedding, etc); Special Learning and Communicating Equipment; public infrastructures . Nursing Care: testing instruments, mobile phone ,shoes clothing ,knitting supplies ,convenience products, nutrition and health food, anti-aging medicine ,massage and the other health products. Recreation: game, champion, sports equipment Related Institutions and Organizations: institutions providing services ranging from financial management; traveling arrangement; legal consultation; medical treatment; relevant media, magazines and journals, etc.
For Registration or Contact:
Guangzhou Grandeur Exhibition Services Co., Ltd
Add: Room 802B, Jiayue Building, No. 38 of Zhongshan Mid-Avenue, Guangzhou, China (510660)
Contact person: Maggie Lee
Mobile : 86 15989121759
Tel: +86 20 23318542
Fax: +86 20-82579220
International Organization:
German-Chinese Business Association (DCW)
National Organizations:
Chinese Handicapped Association
The Aged Association in China
Rehabilitation of Disabled Association