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2012 China International Building Decorations & Materials Exhibition (Build+Decor 2012)


2012 China International Building Decorations & Materials Exhibition

Build+Decor 2012

about the 2012 China International Building Decorations &  Materials Exhibition (Build+Decor 2012)

The 19th China International Building Decorations & Building  Materials Exhibition (Build+Decor) is the biggest and most  influential international building exhibition taking place every year  in Beijing. 
China International Building Decorations & Building Materials  Exposition ( Build + decor), has been successfully held 18  secesions. Build+Decor, the Asian leading trade fair for building  decorations &building Materials industry , offers an easier access  for visitors to meet with top quality suppliers of the whole  industry under one roof at one time. It is not only the primary  channel for oversea enterprises to explore China market but also  the ideal platform for China building decorations and building  materials manufactures to go to the world. Build + Decor is one  of the top international events for the building decoration industry  and this year event is being hailed by the entire building &  decoration industry as an ideal communication & trade platform.


Interior designers, Dealers & Distributors,  Commercial Builders, Architects, Engineers, Retailors, Land  developers, Subcontractors, Construction Industry Professionals,  Others involved in Building Materials and decorations are the  target visitors.


Exhibits Profile:

●Sanitary Ware and Kitchen system
Sanitary ware , faucet, sauna, whirlpool bathtub, stream bath  room, shower room, bathroom package and related fittings.  Cabinet table-board, wash slot, kitchen accessories.
●Wood, Floor Covering Materials
Wood materials, indoor and outdoor wood, decoration wood,  timber floor, composite material, interior & exterior ceramic wall  and floor tiles, stone materials, square brick, granite, marble and  other solid decorative materials, carpet and various flooring  materials.
●Doors, Windows and Hardware
Wood door, Garage door, Automatic Door, Industrial Door,  Sliding Door etc. Architectural curtain wall, windows, glass  curtain wall, aluminum alloy curtain wall, various door and  window materials, special functional doors and other hardware  accessories.
●Villa, Roofing , Wall Decoration materials
Villa, roofing & wall materials, metal roofing system, brick  roofing material, Outdoor and indoor decoration materials,  handcraft decoration, decoration stone products, patterned lumber  and manufacturing equipment, waterproofing, anti-corrosive and  rust-inhibiting paint, various additives, adhesive and gap-filling  adhesives.
●Interior Decoration Materials
Decorative panel, ceiling board, various wooden products, glass  curtain, wallpaper, art products of cloth, lamps and fittings,  artifacts
●Heating Equipment and Ventilation System.
Fuel gas boiler, burner, boiler and controlling system, calorie  meter, radiator, heat exchanger, ventilation equipment, heat  blower.
●Fuel Gas Technology and Equipment
Fuel gas gauge, detecting and control technology and equipment,  fuel gas pipe and anti-corrosive equipment, fuel gas application  technology, gas stove and equipment and maintenance, gas  transmitting and distribution system, etc.
●Electrical Equipment System
Interior & exterior equipment and technology, control parts, such  as switch, electrical outlet, protection and safety control facility,  automatic door control system, etc.
●House Building Materials
New wall materials, fireproof materials, fiberglass reinforced  plastics and composite materials, metallic and non-metallic  materials and products, cements products, and admixtures, gypsum  products, etc.
●Steel Framework Products
Steel framework products, technology and fitting, etc.
●Building Equipment and Pro-environmental Engineering
Various building machineries, pro-environmental facilities, city  traffic control and gardening facilities, building security and  fireproofing system, etc.
●Building Engineering and Service
Building intelligent system, architectural design, interior design,  decorative design and relative software, architectural model,  architectural information, etc.
●Building Program, Gym and Stadium Fittings, Hotel Facilities,  Furniture and Fittings, etc.


Name: China B & D Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Address: China International Exhibition Center, No,6 BeiSanHuan East Road, Chaoyang District ,Beijing P.R.China 100028
Tel: +86-10-8454 0980/ 6463 0548
Fax: +86-10-8454 0980
Official Website: Click to Visit

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